Oovoo video chat app
Oovoo video chat app

Our mission is no matter where you are to try to connect you. We can allow you to tweet out the link to your ooVoo call and have someone who has never had an ooVoo experience come into your environment and have a video call with you. We're not forcing you to be an ooVoo user because we can connect you through the Web or Facebook. You need to be a Google+ member to use Hangouts. The major difference is our vision of video chat that is based on an open communications and the ability to connect with anyone anywhere. How does ooVoo compare to Google+ Hangouts? A.

oovoo video chat app oovoo video chat app

Q. Google has incorporated video chat into its Google+ platform in a big way. Today we have some interaction with them but no formal relationship. Every developer can take advantage of that and we decided to do so. The platform has a set of open APIs that let you develop your own application. We didn't have a special deal we cut with Facebook. How did you start developing a relationship with Facebook? A. Based on that we hope we'll have a lot of growth through the app. These were just users who searched for ooVoo and by chance found the application on Facebook. Over a period of three weeks we gained 350,000 users without telling anyone about it. I will tell you that a few weeks ago we put the application on Facebook and didn't tell anybody about it and just let users find it. When you release a new application it's very hard to predict the growth. How much do you expect your user base to grow through the new Facebook app? A. So, that's a huge community we have access to on Facebook. You don't have to be an ooVoo client to use the app. On our new Facebook app users have access to the people not only who use ooVoo but people who are just Facebook clients. That's where the Facebook idea came from. That's an exciting and big vision and in order to do that you have to connect people where they are.

oovoo video chat app

The mission of our company is to be able to connect you anywhere you are with any other like-minded person. If you think about where users are spending their time today, they're in many different platforms-on Facebook, on their mobile devices, on a desktop, on an iPad. We realized that in our vision of having a company that was at the interaction of social and communications that being integrated within social networks like Facebook was very important to our growth. What was the motivation for you to be represented on Facebook? A. Q. You just introduced some new extensions to your service-among them a new Facebook app-which lets users connect via video chat on the social platform. Robert Jackman, ooVoo's executive chairman

Oovoo video chat app